Born: 1994-2-14
Nationality: Hyogo, Japan
Other names:
shiraishi mio 白石 みお
shiraishi mio 白石 みお
Debut: 2015
Height: 156 cm / 87(G) - 60 - 91 cm
Similar AV idols:akira eri
status: active
Twitter - @miyu_kanade
Tiktok - @miyukanade0214
Works - DMM
- approximately 300 video appearances
- Her interest in this industry was born while she masturbated using DMM sample videos and for the same reason they are isofan from shinoda yuu
- her first time was with a man 10 years older than her but it was not good
- her debut was affected by the influence of her parents who did not accept her new job but in the end accepted and provided their support
- debuted under the name Mio shiraishi
- March 2018 had 5 nominated works "SOD AWARD 2018"
- inactive since late 2020
Author's opinion: a pretty girl with a similar performance to akira eri in her videos trying out many genres is a recommended idol if you like to see rough sex
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